As your church observes Sanctity of Life Sunday, this bulletin insert provides a wonderful way to educate your parishioners about life topics.
AFL Topics Word Cloud
This unique one pager was created to share the various topics AFL's ministry covers. Share it with friends, family, or church members.
AFL Education and Action Flyer
Interested in learning about our educational resources and opportunities? Get an overview of our curricula with this flyer.
Important Life Resource Guide: Post Roe
This handout will help you and your church provide resources to others on life topics such as infertility, pregnancy, abortion, and end-of-life decisions in a post Roe world.
Important Life Resources Guide
This handout will help you find support for life topics from infertility, pregnancy, abortion, end-of-life decisions, and more.
Is Your Church for Life?
Find out if your church has the 10+ habits of a very Life-Affirming church!
Euthanasia Fact Card
This two-sided, 5x8 handout explains the implications of assisted suicide and includes resources for those concerned about patient care.
Abortion Fact Card
This two-sided, 5x8 infographic handout provides statistical evidence supporting the need for abortion regulation.
Everything you want to know about AFL is answered here!
Additional Life Topics
There are a lot of life topics for AFL to cover! This resource outlines AFL’s position on a number of issues we are frequently asked about, such as contraception and capital punishment, and provides resources to help you learn more about these issues.
AFL History & Overview
Find out how AFL began in 1966 as NOEL, and evolved into an internationally respected Life-Affirming ministry.
Medical & Psychological Talking Points
Find out who is at risk for developing serious emotional and psychological problems following an abortion. This document is packed with important health information and studies (completely cited) that every woman needs to know.
Why Life is Important
Georgette Forney’s article is packed with scripture verses including historical and present-day perspectives to show that the Sanctity of Life is a common theme throughout scripture and only God can number a man’s days.
ACNA Canon Card
The ACNA Canons Title II, Canon 8 affirms the Sanctity of Life and the need to show compassion to those who have fallen into sin. The flip-side of the card features a prayer for life.